I'm going to try to keep this short and bitter. America, wake the fuck up! When are you going to learn that the
real threat to our happiness and security does not come from militant Islamic extremists with unpronounceable names. No, the real evil-doers live right here, lying poolside at their mansions, jetting around in their private planes and treating politicians to gift baskets, cocktails and golf vacations to make sure that bills in their favor get lubed down and slide right through the house and senate quicker than you can say "tax break" (or "tax evasion" -- take your pick). Are we really that dumb? Have we all lost our fucking minds? Would we rather elect someone spouting some nonsense about "Keeping America the biggest and baddest nation on the planet" or someone who will actually
tangibly improve our quality of life by providing: 1) universal health care 2) an affordable college education 3) improved public school education 4) more jobs 5) less dependence on oil (foreign AND domestic) 6) laws to slow the effects of global warming.
Nope, guess not. We'd rather have the bigger guns and the bigger egos whilst we flush away our civil liberties and our paychecks on high interest rates, health care costs and ridiculous college tuition fees. Well done, America!
That said, VOTE EDWARDS! He may not be a dazzling orator like Obama or a git-r-done bulldozer like Hilary, but his populist heart is in the right place and he's the Frodo Baggins of the bunch -- the least likely to cave to the corrupting lure of the corporations and their big dollar donations. When he said that, as president, he was going to ban corporate lobbyists from the White House, I got absolutely giddy with hope. YES! Now that's a man after my own socialist heart.
And ABC, shame on you for making up rules that excluded Dennis Kucinich from the discourse. His voice was sorely missed.
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