Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Wordie Rant For the Year

Alright, I'm by no means a word-usage/grammer stickler (a "wordie") on the level of, say, a Lynne Truss, but please allow me just a minute's worth of pontification on the subject so to get a certain bee out of my bonnet.

There are a couple of pseudo words floating around which have made my pet peeve list:
  • Please do not "conversate" with friends when you might simply "converse."
  • Do not do something "irregardless" of a situation that would have you do otherwise. Do it "regardless" of the situation--and in the process, you'll cease to confuse your listeners with a double negative.
Let's away with attaching unnecessary affixes to perfectly good words that stand very well on their own merit.

I'm done now.


Anonymous said...

irregardless of this being a rant, I find it a great piece to start people conversating.

Anonymous said...

Funny...I tawt "converse" were a kind of shoe... sees, I lernt something in skool.

keep the rants coming!